DMT International
DMT International
an International Indenting Company
We welcome you to the world of trust, values and principles.
DMT international is an indenting and trading company dealing into products of various industries from around the globe and rendering reliable, consistent and overal remarkable service on time.
Along with good relationship with our suppliers, we are greeted and respected by our customers, owing to our values principles and punctuality.
DMT international is always open for diversification of products as well as regions of activity.

Representing world class manufacturers from through out the world, we bring to you products like Electrical Motors, VFD's, Transformers, Injection Moulding Machines, Robots, Automation Solutions, etc ...
Toll Manufacturing
Understanding the days need for outsourced manufacturing using various processes of the Chemical and Petrochemical Industries, thereby delivering the desired product in better price and stipulated time ...
This course is being conducted to imbibe Multinational Mindset. I am Mr Deepak Vasant Shidhaye a Proprietor of DMT INTERNATIONAL having about 35 years’ experience in various companies for 15 years in India & 10 years aboad.

Benefits of Trading and Globalization #Dr.Deepak_Shidhaye
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Dr. Deepak Shidhaye Business Consultant